Home Learning Activities

How do we support your child's learning at home? 

The Weekend Cuddly

Your child will take home their family group's cuddly toy for the weekend, on a rota basis. Include them in your family adventures for the weekend. This might be taking them to nanny and grandad's or visiting a park or simply putting them in a trolley and going to the supermarket. Upload your adventures on SEESAW so your child can share the photographs with their group on Monday. 

In the weekend bag you will find, a cuddly toy and a selection of books for you to read. Please return on Monday.

1000 Stories Shared at Home

We're taking part in '1000 Stories Shared at Home' reading project.  On Fridays, your child will bring a 'special book' from our 1000 Stories trolley where they will keep it for a week.  They will share it with you at home and get to know the language, characters and WOW word that is hidden in each book.

When they return it to nursery, they will get a stamp on their collect book.

Click on the picture to find out more about this project. 


Please access the SEESAW Class App on any device to complete fortnightly home learning activities set by Nursery.

You can securely upload photos, video clips and messages that your child's group leader can access.

Keep your PASSWORD safe if you need to log out for other siblings.

Please ask if you need any support to complete these activities. 

SeeSaw Autumn Activity 1

SeeSaw Autumn Activity 2

SeeSaw Autumn Activity 3

SeeSaw Autumn Activity 4

SeeSaw Autumn Activity 5

SeeSaw Spring Activity 1

SeeSaw Spring Activity 2

SeeSaw Spring Activity 3

SeeSaw Summer Activity 1

SeeSaw Summer Activity 2

SeeSaw Summer Activity 3

SeeSaw Summer Activity 4

SeeSaw Summer Activity 5